
Identification of a gene that makes a protein by using a cell free protein synthesis system

A living cell could be genetically modified to perform a function such as the production of a protein. However, these genetic modifications often conflict with normal cellular function and result in a mutation. Defects can be overcome through removing the bacterial membrane which leaves the lysate that is performing both transcription and translation. The cell free-protein synthesis is also known as in vitro protein synthesis and is the production of a protein without using a living cell. The gene is acting as instructions to make the protein. If we can isolate a gene and then apply a cell free protein synthesis system after synthesis the protein and run on gel-electrophoresis we can identify a gene on the basis of the protein. after purify a protein, protein run on the gel we can identify a protein by using their molecular size. If we can identify a protein, we can identify a gene on the bases of protein. Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory technique used to contrasting proteins according to molecular size and charge. Protein blends in the dialysis framework. (A and B) Coomassie blue-stained SDS polyacrylamide gels showing DHFR blend with (A) or without (B) expansion of new mRNA. Bolts and indicators mark DHFR and creatine kinase, individually. The standard example was ready by blending a response combination without mRNA with known measures of DHFR prior to stacking onto the gel.


Umair Masood

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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